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Chimconsult LTD - Engineering company

Chimconsult LTD is an engineering organization situated in Burgas, Bulgaria with subject of activity:

Consulting, Industrial and Civil Engineering Designing, Copyright/Author Supervision, Quality and Technical Control, Project Authorization, Project Management and official distributor of HEXAGON on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.

ISO 9001:2015; ISO 14001:2015; ISO 45001:2018 certifications for the provided engineering services

Engineering company Chimconsult LTD. owns certificates under ISO 9001: 2015; ISO 14001:2015; ISO 45001:2018 (Quality Management System), issued by TUV Rheinland. The continuous improvement of the quality of the engineering services we offer, including engineering designing, project authorization, engineering consulting, copyright/ author supervision, quality and technical control, project management and software distribution, is our main goal, as the main stimulus for this are our business partners and customers.

Our engineering strengths

High quality services

An appropriate engineering team of highly qualified specialists with proven long-term experience in the relevant industry is formed for each specific project. With the help of our skilled engineers we prepare the engineering projects and provide engineering services without compromising on quality.

Short deadlines

Because of our vast engineering experience, as well as the acquired professional and innovative software, and due to the true resource and risk management, we can guarantee short deadlines for our engineering projects.

Competitive prices

The pricing of the provided engineering services is fully consistent and compliant with the time it takes for their implementation. The use of the latest software solutions makes us competitive in bidding for any conceptual (basic design), technical (FEED) or detail design engineering project.

Sectors and industries within the scope of the engineering designing company Chimconsult LTD

Refinery Industry icon

Oil industry


Wood processing industry


Natural gas


The chemical industry


Pharmaceutical industry




Food industry



house icon

Civil Engineering

water icon

Water treatment industry


Light and Heavy Industry


Other industries

Some of our business partners and clients


Countries, where we offer our engineering services

Over the years, the team of Chimconsult has gained experience in many countries part of and outside the European Union. Some of the countries in which we operate are:


Bulgaria, Germany, the Netherlands,

England, Poland, Ukraine,

France, Croatia, Romania,

Serbia, Turkey, Russia

and other countries..

Countries where we operate

Chimconsult Ltd. - Engineering company and official distributor of HEXAGON - CADWorx® & Analysis Solutions

HEXAGON is a company focused on providing complete IT solutions that lead to efficiency during the design, construction and operation of industrial facilities and large-scale construction projects. HEXAGON is a leading global provider of software solutions that increase productivity and quality in Geo spatial and industrial sites. Hexagon PPM’s engineering solutions increase productivity and accelerate projects by providing full data management capabilities for the design, construction, materials and engineering required for design, safe operation and maintenance, and for managing the cPLM design lifecycle of large by scale process, energy, marine and offshore projects. As of 2018, Chimconsult LTD is the official distributor of the specialized software solutions of HEXAGON CADworx & Analysis Solutions on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.