Civil Engineering - Steel Structures
Engineering designing of steel structures for technological equipment
Engineering company Chimconsult has extensive experience in designing steel structures. This gives our civil engineers the advantage of preparing design documentation for the respective steel structure in the shortest possible time, strictly ensuring the avoidance of over sizing the metal constructions (always chasing low metal consumption), while taking into account key factors such as technology of execution and installation of the steel structure, suppliers of structural elements, metal profiles, standards, norms and other important criteria, important for the design of the steel structures.
An important process in the steel structure design is the modeling in a 3D environment, which reduces the chance of making mistakes and helps the civil designers avoid collisions with adjacent steel structures or technological equipment. Static and dynamic analysis, modeling and drawing of metal structures is made in the latest versions of fully licensed software, ensuring the use of methods that reduce the time for designing and ensures high quality of the steel structures design documentation.
Types of steel structures designed at Chimconsult LTD
- Steel structure designing for industrial buildings
- Engineering design of steel structures for warehouses
- Design of supporting steel structures for technological equipment
- Engineering design of steel structures for equipment maintenance
- Design of steel structures for production halls and factories
- Steel structure design for pipe racks
- Design of steel structures for houses
- Design of superstructures
- Design of temporary steel structures (movable)
- Design of steel structures for cable routes
- Other steel structures
We offer designing of steel structures quickly and efficiently
Софтуер за моделиране на метални конструкции
Като дистрибутори на HEXAGON, ние от Химконсулт предлагаме софтуер за създаване на 3D модели на метални конструкции – CADWorx Structure. С него Вие ще можете бързо и лесно да създадете модели на стоманени конструкции без да имате опит в строителното инженерство, които метални конструкции можете да изпратите за съгласуване към Възложител или до вашия колега строителен инженер, който да детайлира съответната метална конструкция. Този софтуер не разполага с профил за създаване на КМД документация, но разполага с голяма база данни от стоманени елементи, метални профили, гитероси, морашки стълби, болтови връзки и съединения, и други необходими строителни елементи, за да можете да визуализирате метални конструкции (наприпер опорни такива, при създаване на технологично оборудване), без да имате голям опит в проектиране на стоманени конструкции!